FSC® / PEFC Certification
Over seven million hectares of forest are destroyed each year, mainly in tropical regions. This corresponds to almost half the size of Germany. However, even in Central Europe, forests are affected by pollutants in the air, water, and soil, as well as climate change. But how can forests be comprehensively protected?
Both certification systems aim to preserve forests for future generations while utilizing their timber for valuable products. To achieve these goals, various standards for responsible forest management have been developed. Compliance with these standards is assessed and monitored by independent third parties in both systems. Both labels on a wood or paper product are a clear indicator that the product originates from responsible forest management and has not been mixed with non-certified, uncontrolled wood or paper throughout the processing and trading chain.
This is ensured through a chain-of-custody certification. The verification of all certified companies is carried out by an independent, qualified, and accredited expert. This ensures that the entire supply chain is documented, and secure statements can be made about the origin of the wood and wood products. All certified companies, from forest owners to end product producers, are part of the chain of custody, the chain of trust, or the chain of traceability.
FSC® -Forest Stewardship Council®

The independent nonprofit non-governmental organization was founded in 1993 as part of the follow-up processes after the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. For over 25 years, FSC has been dedicated to promoting environmentally friendly, socially beneficial, and economically viable forest management. Today, FSC is represented in over 80 countries with national working groups.
Behind the FSC label is a consistently reliable process. FSC has developed 10 principles and 56 indicators on which the globally applicable FSC standards for forest management are based. Forests that are managed according to these standards can obtain FSC certification. The examination and certification are carried out by independent third parties, such as ourselves, as an accredited certification body.
PEFC – Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes

Translated as “Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes.”
PEFC is the largest institution for ensuring sustainable forest management through an independent certification system.
The certification system for sustainable forest management is based on international decisions made at the follow-up conferences to the Rio environmental conference in Helsinki 1993, Lisbon 1998, and Vienna 2003. The requirements outlined there were last supplemented with important points in 2010 and are part of the Technical Document of the PEFC Council International (PEFCC). PEFC is open to the recognition of other forestry certification systems worldwide, provided they are also credible, voluntary, transparent, and do not discriminate against forest owners.
Certification Inquiry
If you are interested in an FSC® and PEFC certificate for your company, please feel free to inquire with a brief message.